Sunday, October 5, 2008

Strengthening my resolve

Gratifying to know that the people who attended the Grandparents As Caregivers Forum on Saturday at the Northeast Senior Center received information that has the potential to change lives. For instance, one woman who has raised her teenage grandson since he was in 3rd grade with very little help now knows about the Kinship Navigator program, which can help her get the benefits and parenting guidance she needs. And it's free. (For more information, call 942-4261.)

The forum panel included myself, Secretary Don Jordan of the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, attorney Kelly Hogan from Kansas Legal Services, B.J. Gore of the Kansas Children's Service League and others. We were there to answer questions about state-funded programs that help keep children safe and families together. We also heard personal stories that renewed my resolve to continue to speak out and act.

In Kansas, there are nearly 30,000 children living in households headed by their grandparents, an increase of about 40 percent since 1990. Too many of these families struggle to make ends meet. The majority of these caregivers get little assistance and can find it hard to access basic services for the children, such as health care.

This is an issue that deeply affects the 29th District. With your help, I'll return to the Statehouse and keep fighting for what's right.

I'd appreciate your vote Nov. 4.

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